Linn Selekt Power Supplies
All Linn Selekt DSM manufactured since October 2022 feature the Utopik power supply.
Selekt DSM manufactured before this time had various power supplies fitted depending on configuration.
Utopik is available as an upgrade to all Selekt DSM and other Linn products - see here.
How can I tell which Power Supply I have fitted?
The type of power supply in the Selekt DSM can be seen in the "Manage Systems" web interface (this replaces Konfig). You will need to access your Linn Account here https://linn.co.uk/account/music-systems
Click on the "Edit Settings" link on the Selekt DSM
Click on "Network Player Selekt DSM >"
You will see the details of the player shown including the serial number and configuration.
Scroll down the page and yoou will see a section Boards. This will show the equipment installed including Power Supply, cartridges and DAC versions.
In the example below we can see a Selekt DSM with the DualPSU V2 fitted:
The Utopik power supply is capable of driving any configuration of cartridges in a Selekt DSM.
The Dual power supply is capable of driving multiple power-out cartridges in the Selekt DSM
The Single power supply is for use with Line-out cartridges only.
Selekt DSM Utopik Power Supply
Selekt DSM Dual Power Supply
Selekt DSM Single Power Supply