Linn Organik DAC Upgrades

Organik DAC is now available for Selekt DSM (Edition and Classic)
The Organik DAC is available in a stereo configuration for stereo line out, stereo power amp modules, and hybrid modules. The Organik DAC is also available in a Mono configuration for monon line out Selekt modules.
Organik DAC upgrade for Akubarik Speakers, Klimax DSM and Klimax DS
Existing Akubarik Speakers, Klimax DSM and Klimax DS products can now upgraded to the latest Organik DAC.

The ground breaking all-Linn Organik DAC now comes as standard in all new Klimax DSMs, Klimax Exaktboxes and Akubarik Speakers.
Organik DAC upgrade is also available for existing Akubarik, Klimax Exaktbox and Klimax 350 owners. Scroll down for upgrade details.

Organik DAC upgrade for Klimax Exaktbox
Existing Klimax ExaktBoxes (the original or Katalyst) DAC versions can be upgraded to the latest Organik DAC.
Call 0118 321 8292 to discuss your upgrade options.

Organik DAC upgrade for Klimax 350 Speakers
Linn Organik DAC upgrades are available for existing Klimax 350 loudspeakers.