Pre-Production Linn Power Supply from late 1980s
Here we a have a pre-production Linn LP12 Power Supply from late 1980s - it was going to be called Wakonda but never made it into full production. The name Wakonda was 'recycled' and later used for a Linn Pre-amplifier.
The Wakonda LP12 power supply is simialr to the Valhalla - with the addition of a 45rpm setting.
The LP12 had a number of modifications to accommodate the power supply including:
- Wider cross brace to accomodate a heat sink fixings
- IEC mains socket on the rear
- 33/44 rpm switch
Over time electolytic capacitors degrade and this is a common failure on this (and Valhalla) boards of this era. We can still service these boards. Replacing the capacitors will in most instances fix any issues (also bridge rectifier and a couple of high wattage resistors).
Here you can see the cross brace - with side extensions to secure the heat-sink on the main board. You can also see the date of manufacture engraved on the underside of the top plate: 17 Feb 1988 (bottom right hand corner)
33/45 rpm switch
Capacitor Values
Warning: Do not try to service this board at home. The board contains high voltage components and is potentially lethal.