QNAP Password Reset now uses MAC address
Starting with QNAP firmware 4.4.2 the default password of the admin account is now based on the MAC adddress of the (first) Ethernet port,
Use the QFinder application to display the MAC address of the unit.
For example:
If the QNAP NAS is shown in QFinder with MAC address 00-08-9B-BF-B3-7C then RESET the NAS and use the username admin with the password based on the MAC address in upper case without the hyphen - 00089BBFB37C in our example.
Before firmware 4.4.2 the default admin password for the QNAP NAS was admin
Reset Button
Please press the reset button on the rear for 3 seconds, then a beep sound will be heard. The following settings will be reset to default:
- System administration password.
- TCP/IP configuration: Obtain IP address settings automatically via DHCP.
- TCP/IP configuration: Disable Jumbo Frame.
- TCP/IP configuration: If port trunking is enabled (dual LAN models only), the port trunking mode will be reset to "Active Backup (Failover)".
- System port: 8080 (system service port).
- Security level: Low (Allow all connections).
- LCD panel password: (blank); This feature is only provided by the NAS models with LCD panels. Please visit www.qnap.com for details.
- VLAN will be disabled.
- Service binding: All NAS services run on all available network interfaces.
This reset function only affect above settings. Your data will be left intact.