How to install Linn Aktiv cards in Linn Power Amplifiers
How to install Linn Aktiv cards in Linn Power Amplifiers
Linn Aktiv (active) cards are specific to each loud speaker model and allow the conventional (passive) cross-over to be bypassed.
The information applies to all Akurate and Majik Chakra power amplifiers:
- Majik 2100
- Majik 3100
- Majik 4100
- Majik 5100
- Majik 6100
- Akurate 2200
- Akurate 3200
- Akurate 4200
Channel Allocation
Each amplifier supports multiple channels (2 to 6 depending on the model).
The image below shows channels for each amplifier model:
Do it the Modern Way
Adding Aktiv cards to amplifiers was the approach taken throughout the 1990s through to 2014. It has been superceeded by Linn's Exakt technology using ExaktBox. Exaktboxes are smart digital cross-overs that sit between the source and the amplifier and can be confirgure to match the speaker being used.
Call 01183218292 to discus going Aktiv or upgrading to ExaktBox.